NaNoWriMo, Writing

What the heck are PREPTOBER & NANOWRIMO ?

Ah yes, the fall season is upon us; and while many are simply enjoying the small comforts of the season (sweaters, cool-air, pumpkin spice lattes) there are some of us who know that with the season of fall also comes the most joyous (or pain-inducing) time of year: National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for… Continue reading What the heck are PREPTOBER & NANOWRIMO ?

Ally Carter, JK Rowling, Julie Kagawa, Lindsay Cummings, tag

The Liebster Award Tag

Hello, beautiful people and welcome back to the blog! I was nominated by Alexandra Wendt for the Liebster Award Tag! Thank you, Alexandra, for nominating me. Here are the rules: Thank the person who nominated you. Answer the 11 questions they wrote for you. Nominate 11 people. Give them your set of 11 questions. -… Continue reading The Liebster Award Tag